The Management Committee recognises that the Hall lies at the heart of the village and as such there exists a potential for unreasonable disturbance to the immediate neighbourhood. The Committee has therefore adopted a Good Neighbour Policy (available in here in Word and here in pdf format).
It is a condition of hire of the hall that all users are aware of and respect the spirit of the good neighbour policy. All hirers with evening events involving live or recorded music and/or finishing after 9.30pm will be required to sign their committment to the policy as part of the hire agreement.
To assist hirers an electronic device is installed in the main hall, which monitors the volume of any sound producing equipment, and provides a visual warning via a flashing red light if the sound power level exceeds a pre-set level. Failure to respond to the warning within a pre-set time interval causes the power supply to the offending equipment to be switched off by the isolation of the two 13 Amp double socket outlets coloured red, located on either side of the stage area (backing onto the store room). Providers of the sound entertainment should be instructed to use only the above mentioned socket outlets.
It is a condition of hire that the hirer is responsible for the conduct of all invited guests and contractors using the hall during the course of their hire. This responsibility extends not just to the good neighbour policy but also to all legal duties, including enforcing the ‘no smoking in public places’ legislation.